What's the cheapest/stingiest thing you've seen someone do?

When I was 16, I got a shit job making minimum wage.

After work, I would go hangout with my friend, and every day we would roll up to McDonalds, he would ask me to buy him something since he didn't have a job. Being a good friend, I would always get him whatever he wanted - sometimes, more than I got for myself.

Anyway, fast forward - I lost my job for some bullshit reason and he started working. We now go to the same McDonalds, only he never asks me if I want anything ... so we roll through and I say, "Hey bro, can you get me a $1 sandwhich?" "Sorry man, I don't really have enough for that." He then proceeds to pull out $100 that he had and pay for his food... fucking cheap douchebag asshole. I will never forget that as the day that I learned some people just don't give a fuck about your generosity - they will milk you dry and then can't spare a dollar for their best friend to eat.

Another story from him - had just paid bills and was broke ... ran out of cigarettes. Decided it was worth it to overdraft my account to buy cigarettes and gas, so I go up to the store with him and proceed to do this - realizing that I basically just bought a pack of cigarettes for $35 and it has to last me for a week.

My friend proceeds to ask me for a cigarette... I give him one... on the way back, he asks me for a second cigarette ... and I give him one (keep in mind, this pack was supposed to last me a week and cost me $35!). When he asks me for a third cigarette on the ride home, I tell him "Dude, I just bought this pack for $35 - I will share one with you, but I can't keep giving them to you."

He then proceeded to throw a complete bitch fit and tell me that I'm a stingy asshole who can't spare a cigarette (technically 3 idiot) and I have some sort of "mental block" about it that makes me a bad person or whatever. I almost dropped him off on the side of the road right there.

Third and final thing - he was a huge pothead, and he would always do anything he could to squeeze the drug out of everyone he was around. "Hey man, want to throw in on a sack with me?" He would try to get everyone he knew to "throw in" on a sack and then refuse to split it "Dude, let's just split it later ... we can split it when we get back ... don't worry about it, you'll be smoking with me anyway."

He would pull this shit all the time to the point where I basically had to demand he weight it and break it out up front or it would "mysteriously disappear" and in many cases, he would "lose" it. Ugh, just thinking about it annoys me.

/r/AskReddit Thread