What's the dumbest thing you or someone you know has gotten arrested for?

I'm actually waiting trail for "petty theft"

I was working a night shift at work, and on the last 5-10 minutes my manger asks for me to take the storage key and get a box of crushed red peppers.

After I return I mistakenly walk out with the key in my jacket pocket and start walking home, my phone dies on the way and when I get home I charge it and when I turn it on I have 10 or so messages saying if I don't return the key within an hour he would call the cops, so I tell him I didn't have the key. then I check my pocket and there it is, so I called him up right away and asked if it would be okay could just bring it back in the morning since I had to work early 8 AM anyway. (mind you it was really late and I was exhausted and it was beyond freezing outside.)

He just got even more angry with me and told me I was fired and if I'm not there in 20 mins he'll file the police report, So I walk back and at this time its around 1 in the morning.

When I arrive he sends me a text saying I can never come back (he's hiding behind a locked glass door at this time) So I ask if he can give me back my belongings from my locker (a shirt and a few miscellaneous items) he shakes his head and after 10 mins of waiting the cops show.

I hand them the key and ask if it would be okay if they could get my stuff from inside, then he says he can smell pot on me and starts searching me, all I had on me was my phone and wallet, then I get handcuffed the cop goes into the shop and talks with the manger then they both walk into the back room together then after 10 or so minutes comes out and says we have him on tape taking the key, then they I got taken to the station.

I'm just hoping that if a judge reviews this it'll get thrown out since It was obliviously just a accident and a big misunderstanding I feel like my manger really overreacted with whole situation, still I'm pretty shaken up over the whole thing.

/r/AskReddit Thread