whats a lie that human beings have told themselves for so long we actually believe it?

Black and White are meaningless

No. Science says otherwise. Lol. You keep calling people dumb, but you're the one who's flat-out denying basic conclusions of scientific research.

"Racist" on the other hand describes you

No, it doesn't, because I acknowledge (for one) that Asians are smarter than Whites on-average. I also acknowledge that although there are racial differences in intelligence, that does not make any one race superior. By your definition of "racist", science is racist. You're assuming I attribute higher intelligence to superiority, which is not true. I'm not even White, dude. You're being completely nonsensical.

Why don't you stop being racist so you can be smarter?

If I was a racist, which I'm not, that still doesn't make sense. That's like saying: "If you're a flat-Earth denier, why don't you stop being a flat-Earth denier so you can be smarter?". "If you believe in ghosts, why don't you stop believing in ghosts so you can be smarter?". Some beliefs are associated with lower intelligence, but that's obviously correlation; not causation. You really don't understand much about what you're talking about, do you?

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