Whats the most "evil" thing you've ever done? did you regret it?

I should probably use a throwaway because I'm fairly certain the guy this is about uses Reddit but whatever.

My senior year of high school one of my "friends" was being an ass to me in the cafeteria about religion vs atheism. It got to be nasty so I moved away, but he followed me. I moved again and he followed me again going on about how stupid my opinion was. It made me pretty mad, I didn't want to have that conversation, and he was being a total shit head following me like that hounding me because I didn't agree with him initially. I was still pretty heated that he would do that at the end of the day so I skipped 9th period and let all the air out of all of his tires. He was pretty mad for months but eventually he got over it and wanted to be my friend again.

So for a couple years we were friendly, but he was one of those guys that complain about being nice to girls and not getting laid in return. I started dating someone he was friendly with and he was furious and was just an asshole after that.

One day me and my boyfriend at the time were looking through the Craigslist personals for laughs when we saw one from our town, same age as us. When I opened it I KNEW it was him. My boyfriend by that point was pretty sick of him too so we made a fake email and phone number and pulled a set of photos of a girl off 4chan. We emailed him and he really hit it off with our fake girl.

Two days later he was asking for nudes so I sent him one of the more risqué photos of the girl (nothing naked, just her showing off her feet in her panties) and he sent a dick pick back but you couldn't see his face or anything in it. With a little prodding I got him to send me a full body naked mirror selfie (his socks were still on though but I let that slide).

I sent that photo to just about everybody we mutually knew/went to high school with. He started flipping out asking who he was really talking to, why I would do that, etc. At the same time my boyfriend put the photo up on 4chan and we got some really creative edited pictures and then sent those out too. I finally agreed to tell him who he was really talking to, but named some kid we went to high school with.

He started Facebook messaging the guy I named and for some reason he went along with it and took all the blame and jokingly professing his love.

Some people sent the photo to his family, and people still laugh about it. I'm not sure how evil it was, but I don't regret it.

/r/AskReddit Thread