What's the most ridiculous thing you've ever seen at a party? [NSFW]

About 13-14 or so years ago, a buddy of mine had just gotten out of prison after 18mo for possession of a jar of x. As he was feeling up to party, he, a mutual friend, and I ate a few hits of acid each and began the night.

For some reason (we were I think 19-20, maybe dude who just got out was 21) we ended up a high school keg party in an affluent suburb. I just moseyed about and kinda ignored everyone, as I was pretty fucked up. Eventually, I was walking around the side of the house when I saw two rather stern-looking adults moving with a purpose towards the front door. Despite my state, I deduced this was the HS girl's parents, and they were nonplussed about the giant drug and drink party going on in their McMansion. My felonious friends and I dipped out rather quietly. Right in time to... We passed some responding police cruisers as we left.

Sadly, the night went downhill. We got to some fucking trailer out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. Again, I knew not a soul and, by this time, I was tripping my fucking balls off. I, again, wandered about by myself, generally just giggling at anyone who tried to converse with me while I stared at the walls and such...

Shit began to hit the fan. I was hanging out in a bedroom with a group of people when some sort of loud argument began between some dude and some girl. Eventually, and I can't remember who got physical first, the dude straight busted a bottle over the girl's face. Or, she busted a bottle on him and then he punched her out. Or she shoved him, he punched her, 3rd person bottled the guy. I honestly can't remember exactly, it was a long time ago and I was fucking tripping. I know it involved a fucking bottle smash, though.

Anyway, the whole goddamn place erupted. Me and the few people in the room just watched with a weird sense of detached awe as the living room of the trailer turned into the fucking thunderdome. As things escalated, a monstrous dude, who turned out to be the trailer's owner/renter, entered the bedroom we were in, wild-eyed and clearly not pleased. He promptly pulled a shotgun out of the closet and blew a fucking hole through the ceiling while screaming sort of redneck angry language.

I dove out a fucking window. Strangely, I was hysterically laughing for some reason. I laughed less when I realized the fucking dump was on a hill and my window leap left me falling face-first a solid floor+ into the mud below. I got up just a dude was sprinting around the house and said "come on, dude, he's got a fucking gun!" I hopped in the car with this complete stranger and we booked it. I forget his name, but we went to a Waffle House where my shitty "friends" met up with us.

I stopped hanging out with both guys shortly after that. Last I heard, the mutual friend joined the Navy and the other went back to prison. Who knows, it's been well over a decade.

*Post-script, I neither drink nor use drugs or anything anymore (excluding pot, if you consider that a drug). Anyway, I didn't make a lot of good decisions in my 20s.

/r/AskReddit Thread