What's the most ridiculous thing you've ever seen at a party? [NSFW]

Well technically it happened to me, but I still saw it happen from my perspective, but I turned a party of straight guys into a gay orgy.

Hotel party. all these dudes who have been seen with girls or otherwise proclaimed straight were drinking it up, and me, a gay guy, was with them.

I made my sexuality explicit, and I'm rather open about it anyway, but several guys were of the "I've never messed around with a guy before but maybe if I get drunk enough" variety. Some weren't. It didn't matter.

Apparently most of them got "drunk enough," and one of them was brave enough to just pounce on me and start making out with me in front of everyone else. I was shocked by the surprise, but the guy was cute and I was quite inebriated myself, so I reciprocated.

Well then these guys just started laughing and everyone was making out with everyone. The girls were just wooing and cheering us on as several of us took off our shirts, and it trailed on and on until eventually it was practically an orgy.

I was at the center of it since I was, as they put it, "the only one of us who is actually gay."

So this enormous petri dish of sexual experimentation went on until I blacked out, so I'm not sure exactly what happened later, but I woke up with all the dudes and we were clustered together under and in between covers and each other. Two or three guys were like "wtf I'm outta here," 2 more said "Probably not gonna do that again, but I'm glad I tried it," and a few were saying "I think I might be bi."

My lady friend now tells people that I have superpowers to turn guys gay. I give a bit more credit to copious amounts of alcohol and an open mind.

/r/AskReddit Thread