What is impossible to understand until it happens to you?

Most people taking psychiatric medication are prescribed such not under concrete proof of a condition, but under a subjective questionnaire. The brain is way too complex to prove any element of disease under most diagnoses. All it seems that psychiatrists do is establish a standard of normalcy through constantly fluctuating criteria in behavioral patterns and notion to us, if we believe, that our cognitive worth can and should be measured against it.

We're primates. We aren't perfect. We aren't something to be squared away according to anybody's standards. Our environment of advertising and desire isn't conducive to happiness. We're organic, water-based freaks and we're forced to drive, read, and think about our lives in straight lines.

If our food is bad, we'll feel bad, if our food is good, we'll feel good. If we stay inside we'll feel bad, if we go outside we'll feel good. Ecology is just as important as psychiatry

We're only allotted enough money to eat cheap bad food, and the digital revolution is keeping us inside our homes for longer times.

You think something is wrong with you? It's the environment that corporations and government established to maximize profits with little regard to your health that causing you to feel bad.

The more rigid we are forced to be by our environment and society, the more erratic our tendencies become. The more down we feel as we compare ourselves to an increasingly unreasonable standard of excellence, the more worthless we feel.

The criteria is constantly changing. Believing that you fall short of something can cause depressive tendencies. It gives power to people who don't deserve it. It's advertising's goal to create a sense of lacking. It's Big Pharma's goal to sell an illusion of equilibrium through a simple solution. It's big pharma's goal to convince most people that there is something wrong with them


So much $$ is a result to the lobbyists and lawmakers that allow this cycle to continue.

I was diagnosed with ADHD in the military, have had suicidal thoughts and would physically hurt myself when I was younger. Medication doesn't fix the root problem. I took straterra and welbutrin. Those cost money. I was productive, but not happy. Calm, but not fulfilled.

Working on yourself harder than you do your job, school, etc. This is how you find energy. Not through a pill.

Just give up. Stop trying to succeed or impress. Breathing is simple. Focus on that. Stop wanting and you'll start receiving. Nobody hires an applicant because the applicant is desperate. Nobody likes hanging around someone who demands their attention. Do nothing, accomplish everything.

Stop trying to improve yourself and just accept. Work on yourself. Accept and love your own mess like a mother or father would accept the mess of their infant.

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