What's the most satisfying gaming experience you've ever had?

My favorite game of all time is Left 4 Dead 2. It's a zombie shooting game where you go through maps with hordes of zombies and some special types of zombies to mix it up. The game consists of campaigns, with four or five chapters separated by a safe room and a loading screen. I really wanted an achievement for completing all campaigns on the expert difficulty, but I was too shy to play online (since I sucked) so I played single-player with bots. I have never hated a video game character like I hated one bot for how he betrayed me.

There was one particularly difficult campaign, Hard Rain, that I just couldn't finish after dozens of tries. I even gave up for months because of it. Well, one beautiful day, I finally make it through to the final chapter, the finale, and I call in the rescue vehicle. I'm so happy, because for fucking months I've wanted this, it was the last campaign I needed for the achievement, and it was about my pride at this point. I couldn't let this one campaign ruin it for me. I see the rescue boat pulling up, I run to it, I'm so close to being on board, to winning the campaign, when a huge zombie throws a rock at me and I get downed. Well, all isn't lost yet, since one bot is still alive and he's running toward me, to save me. Or so I thought. THE BASTARD RUNS PAST ME, ON TO THE FUCKING BOAT, AND SAILS OFF INTO THE SUNSET, THE CREDITS ROLL, AND I DON'T GET THE ACHIEVEMENT BECAUSE I WASN'T ON THE GODDAMN BOAT. FUCK YOU ELLIS. I HAD TO REPLAY THAT SHIT FOR WEEKS BEFORE I GOT THERE AGAIN.

So the most satisfying moment was when I managed to get through to the finale, finally got onto that boat and I turn around to face bot-Ellis, running at me hoping to be saved, and I shot the fucker dead. The credits roll, it says "In Memory Of: Ellis", and I get my achievement. Fuck you Ellis. I'll never forgive you.

/r/AskReddit Thread