What's My Best Compatibility In Romantic Relationships? MBTI, Enneagram And SLOAN Wise?

i’ve always heard that 7s and 9s go together really well!! i’m also a 7 in a relationship with a 9 and it’s great. only thing that bugs me is that whenever he’s upset, it takes ages of prying to get him to tell me why—even when it’s obvious something’s wrong. & if we’ve done something to upset one another, I’m way more likely to confront him than he is with me.

I can handle waiting for him to speak already about it, but I don't like no stonewaller who shrugs it underneath. I wanna give him time but nothing is gonna get shrugged.

for a while I did think I wanted someone similar to your description—someone bold, confrontational, dominant in a way? i started seeing an ESTP 7w8 (possibly an 8w7) who checked off those boxes. but very fast things went wrong. he was very selfish and always put himself first, which was a direct contrast from the 9 I’m with now. he’d also get angry easily and when we’d argue, we’d argue for hours because it would take him forever to see my side, and even then I’m not sure he ever did.

I'll never get an 7w8 or 8w7 because I'm not a fucking idiot. And good thing, I already typed myself properly. I read the descriptions and I'm far from 7w8. I'm a 7w6. They say that "there's no much difference", but in terms of shit, I don't ever wanna be a 7w8, neither be with one. Thanks for telling me your experience, that's a warning for myself.

he was great for what I idealized I wanted in a relationship, but as an individual person, he was pretty awful!! point being it’s going to be hard to peg the kind of person that would be well suited for you when there’s so many different factors to consider. needless to say, I do stand behind the general idea that 7s and 9s go together well, long as you’re willing to put up with the lack of confrontation, because they generally check off all your other boxes!!!

Thank you for giving me hope with that. I miss him sometimes, though. But we aren't really compatible because we do not share values in life. He wants to be a father right away, and I want my free time. I'm happy you already found what's for you, I wish you best in life.

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