What's the oddest thing you've found attractive about someone?

I sat next to this girl in high school for one of my classes. She wasn't very attractive, she had pale skin, dark black hair that looked kinda ratty, and she was as skinny as an ironing board. One day she was cracking her thumbs, but like the joint between your wrist and your actual thumb. I had never seen anyone do that before and asked how she did it. She had me put my hands up and wrapped her hands around mine. Her fingers were really long and slender and very soft, also a little cold to the touch, then she placed her thumbs on the same joint spot on my hands and with a slight squeeze she popped both my thumbs. After that I saw her in new light and was totally attracted to her. Nothing ever happened though cause I was too chicken shit to say anything, but from then on I know how to crack my thumbs in a new way.

/r/AskReddit Thread