What's the scariest real life ghost/paranormal/ unexplained experience that you or some one you know has had?

  • The building was built in the 40s or 50s, and as such everything that's not made of asbestos is made of cinder blocks. This is to say, the electrical work is FUBAR. Still, despite maintenance working nearly every other day on somebody's power, we get flickers/outages/surges/etc on a nearly daily basis.

  • One particular hallway stretches nearly all the way along the long axis of the building, and thanks to the aforementioned lighting issues, it's never, ever well lit. My station is about right in the middle of it, and occasionally I hear footsteps echo down the hall either towards or away from me. About 90% of the time it's just a resident getting up for coffee or just to walk. Occasionally, I've shined my light up and down the hall both ways, nobody there.

  • The loading dock is flanked by a pair of maintenance stairwells that connect up to the top floor, and the loading people leave pallets and shit around all the time. I have to search the (unlit) stairwells at night. At one point I had to step over a pallet left on the first floor landing, and when I got to the second there was this huge BANG that nearly caused a code brown on my part. When I looked down, the pallet on the landing had somehow slid sideways beneath the railing and fallen a full floor to the ground. I never heard it move.

  • A few months ago a resident told me about how "a woman in white" had come up to his window in the middle of the night and told him to come outside. I checked out his room and outside, nothing amiss, but it calmed him down. I didn't think anything of it (there's more than a few Presidents/Christs in our facility) until a few weeks ago when a second resident from a different wing was up while I walked past and went "You two really stay up all night?" When I asked her who she meant, she went "Oh, you always have that lady following you around." Cue me taking a long lunch in my brightly lit booth.

Nobody really talks about all this at work, though I do know the previous night guard quit two weeks in, and after him two applicants both bounced after their first training shift. The owner of the building has been hanging around it for forty years, and when I asked him if it was haunted he just kinda smirked.

As a rule, I do not believe in ghosts. I consider it theoretically possible that all my experiences at work are a combination of shitty construction, sleep deprivation, and the stories of the folks who live/lived there. THAT SAID, there's some shit that goes down in that building. I stay because I hope by being unafraid or visibly confident, the residents will be more comfortable at home.

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