What's a secret you can only share with online strangers?

I had a best friend who thought that, because we had been friends for 18 years, we were "always" going to be friends.

That mentality which he clung to caused what should have been a respectful breakup between two 30 year olds to be dragged out into lack of communication, petty arguments, passive aggressiveness, then finally an argument that we could never take back. We haven't spoken in 7 years and we likely never will again. My friendship with him is now a stain on my life, simply because he refused to accept that I was done with the relationship.

Friendships can be like marriages: Sometimes, the spark is gone for just one of you. It doesn't matter why. But once it's gone, you need to move on. Otherwise, one of you will be miserable, and bad shit can happen from then on.

If you truly want to leave your friend, leave him ASAP. Take it from someone who was in the same situation, and was not assertive enough to just end it unilaterally.

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