What's a secret you won't share with anyone in person, but you are willing to share anonymously?

First of all, school is number one. Don't fuck up your schooling cause of that slut. No amount of shame will offset the amount of shame associated with being a loser because you didn't finish your schooling. Second, she sounds like a good match for you being that she is very focused and quiet. You sound like you need a nice girl who is grounded. Three, don't overanalyze this. I told you to ask her out on a date not propose with a box full of doves and a sonnet. If anything, tell her you owe her a cup of coffee for being a good friend with the hoodie situation.

To give you some perspective, I dated some girls who loved the spot light early on and none of them made great girlfriends. My fiancé, on the other hand, was a book worm throughout her schooling, hates being the center of attention, and is a fiercely hard worker. She is an incredible partner and she makes me an infinitely better person.

You are able to rant because I am completely objective to the situation and what that girl did was shitty. Also, its happened to me twice in much worse ways so I know what you are feeling.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent