What's the shittiest thing an employer has ever done to you?

This is from an employer several years back when I was younger and eager in my career

--STORY 1--

She constantly made comments about my weight. I was 5'7 around 170lbs at the time. Curvy and healthy. I worked in fashion for corporate at the time - directly below the CEO. The CEO and I were pretty chummy. She took me on as her protege, so to speak. One day, she casually says that she needs to get into shape. This woman was gorgeous in her late 50s. She needed to do no such thing. However, then she brings me into the mix - saying we should have a weight loss competition. That whomever loses the most in 30 days will win $2000. I'm looking at her thinking - what weight? Obviously I'll lose more bc ---- ohhhhhhh - that was her undercover way of saying lose weight and I'll pay you.

--STORY 2--

She took me to the local yacht club one day for lunch. We're sitting there and enjoying ourselves when she says to me - 'do you know why I brought you here today?' - I say, 'for lunch?' I'm playing stupid bc at this point she has crossed so many lines with me I've started to resent her. She says - I want to talk to you about your future. Do you think much about that? I'm afraid you're maybe falling off track. You really should think about who you associate with in your private life. Say what?!

Let me point out - I'm super friendly with everyone in the company down to the warehouse workers and the front desk receptionist (whom I offered a room in my place be she was paid shit and couldn't afford to live in the city we did)

Anyway boss says yeah - some of the people you associate with at the office are beneath you. What?! She continues with - you know all of this could be yours right? I ask what could be mine? The yacht club? No the life - influence, success, financial freedom. Then she says - I shit you not - there's just a few things I need to work on.

They are the following:

Learn to sail Learn to play golf Learn to play tennis Lose a bit of weight bc I have such a beautiful face the rest should match up if I want to land a gentleman with success and money.

My jaw dropped. I said so - basically you want to change everything about me?

No, no dear. Improve. I'm giving you this advice for your benefit. Trust me. Don't you want my life?

No. I can make money on my own I don't need to marry it.

I left really defeated.

--STORY 3--

And this is the worst. It didn't happen to me but a colleague in the sales department. She was from overseas. Apparently her dad was really ill in the hospital and her sister emailed saying it was an emergency to call her about her dad. The next day sister calls office freaking out on her sister for not calling. She says I didn't get an email wtf. And she's really upset telling everyone in the office she doesn't know why the email didn't come through. The CEO happens to walk past hearing the story - and stone cold, casually says, like it's not a big deal. "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I deleted the mail - I have the right to monitor mail you know - and personal emails shouldn't be coming to your work emails. When you're here I need you focuses."

Everyone had jaws dropped. I quit that day and so did the girl it happened to.

Having worked for her really messed with my confidence - I stayed for 3 yrs - and by the end id gained an extra 20lbs. Worst.

/r/AskReddit Thread