What's some popular saying that you think is total bullshit?

Board games are your passion, not running a game shop. There's truth to what you're saying, naturally there's a lot of work involved in pursuing any passion but there's a dichotomy between doing what you love and doing something that's vaguely associated with what you love. I don't know your business, but I couldn't imagine you're too involved with actually playing board games - the thing in which you say you're passionate about. I'm sure a lot of people love video games, but they probably wouldn't ever think to open a video game store because that doesn't involve playing the games, it involves selling the games. Now if you had a passion for generating a local community around board games, be it in a direct way or otherwise, you wouldn't see the work as tedious. Someone who is passionate about art could become, say, a graphic designer. A profession in which they're still fully engaged in their passion; the sense of personal fulfillment is sufficient for them to not mind the work. Realistically, the saying should be: If the thing you love is profitable, you'll never work a day in your life.

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