What's something everyone knows but no one wants to admit?

Thank you, I originally had "Than" in the comment. I was nearing 100% confidence I was right in it's usage, and then an individual wrote a VERY long comment how I was an idiot. I researched it and changed it. I should have stuck to my guns. Here is a link to and the text of the comment. I don't mind being wrong, and fact have no problems updating my grammar and learning. Honestly you made me feel better now :).

"There's this chick I follow on Facebook. I accidentally started following her because she has the same name of this girl I met and thought I was sending a friend request to her. She was only 14 when I started following her. As soon as I realized she wasn't the person I was meaning to follow I went to unfollow her. But then I realized this 14 year old girl was hilariously stupid. She didn't know why America would send a separate team from Georgia to the Olympics, she couldn't figure out why elevators had buttons for the floor she was already on, and many other things I just saw and laughed. Anyway I never stopped following her because she was such a big source of my morning laughs. She got pregnant at 15 because she thought you couldn't get pregnant on the first time. She was sure that the 15 year old boy that got her pregnant was going to be a great daddy. Well the kid is 1 now and she always complains about him never being around and how he would rather stay at home bored than see his son and all the other crap any of us could have warned her about when she was certain she was going to be the one teenage mom whose baby daddy would actually hang around. Anyway the reason I bring all that up is that through these 2 years I've followed this complete moron she has never written "then" when she meant "than". So if this person can get it right, then everyone can."

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