What's something mildly interesting about you?

I got very interested in drug experimentation my first 1.5 years of college.

I entered college having tried 6 drugs including caffeine/alcohol/nicotine. By my Sophomore year of college I had tried 23. I had strict rules including a 'not even once' list of drugs that I would never even try (Heroine, Crack, and Meth) and a policy of never taking some of the very highly addictive drugs more than once in a 6 week period.

I got into them for a few reasons. With since of the drugs, liked seeing the different effects, feelings, and self explorations of the different parts of myself any given drug seemed to bring out and make more prominent. I also studied biocbem in college too so I was always interested and enjoyed when my practical drug use and academic knowledge clicked and I could identify the similarities or differences in effects and be able to understand the structural and/or biochemical reaction differences that causes those similarities and differences.

I also spent hours in the University library heavily studying and researching a given drug before I or any friends who might join me if they were interested whatever the given drug was took any. I LOVED the research part. Looking back I weirdly think I enjoyed the research more than the experience in many cases.

/r/AskReddit Thread