What's the weirdest moment you've had with a stranger?

I was about 17-18 and had just left a friends party to catch a bus home. I had eaten a few weed cookies and had a few shots of absinthe and was just about as high as a kite. I got on the bus at about 1:30am and took a seat near the back and just strapped in for the ride. I was struggling to keep my eyes open until I made eye contact with this old woman who was shaking her head at me. I looked at her with a confused face and said "can I help you with something?" She asked me how old I was and I told her and that made her more upset. She said she could tell how high/drunk I was and that it pained her to see such a young soul be so influenced by "the devil". She went on about good and evil and asked me "is this how you want Jesus to find you when he returns?". I'll never forget that line. I didn't say much to her during the "conversation" because I thought she was bat shit crazy. I got off the bus and starting walking home and just kept thinking about this woman and how weird the things she was saying were. As years have passed (I'm 25 now) I wonder if that woman even existed and if I had just imagined that whole conversation because of how fucked up I was. Trippy stuff.

/r/AskReddit Thread