Whats worse ? Not having something at all or having it then losing it ?

Nihilist here: it's entirely possible that you're pining after something that isn't real. Not that the love you had or experienced isn't real, just that our accessing and reliving of our memories is provably unreliable. Perhaps the idea of yearning for something you cannot have is indicative of its "worth", in that, you would not yearn for something you do not believe to have had worth. Your definition of worth is wholly unique to your experience, though you may find common ground on such with others, it is entirely yours unique to your particular definition. It could be acceptable as true that you did not exist before your birth, so consider for a moment the difference between the nonexistence before your birth, and the nonexistence after your death. In both you equally do not exist, so regardless having had existed at all, they are equally nil, as they are basically defined as the antithesis of the existence of you. So consider that, in the brief, almost unrecognizable period between the greater idea of your non-being you exist in a place where your ideas of "worth"are indeed affected by the ideas and influences of those who are "other" to you. Inspite of that affect, you come to find a series of ideas and concepts that you accept and are comfortable with as what we'll call what you believe to be true. Now, what you believe to be true is untouchable to anyone but you. It can be mutable in only the capacity that you allow it to be, in the sense that "you" decide what "you" are, therefore, even though subconscious influences do exist, your willingness to accept the unknowable changes as part of "you" is entirely your choice. We'll call that your personality.

Now with all of that in mind, the idea that there is no discernible difference between the period of non existence before our birth and the period of non existence after our birth, the idea that the only inherent "worth" you are capable of experiencing is a direct function of what you believe to be true, and that you accept that there is indeed a finite amount of time between your non existence, consider this: the only person who can decide whether your life (or, the finite amount of time between your non existence) up until this point has had "worth", is you. Because your sense of "worth" is entirely based upon what you believe to be true, it is immutable to outside influence. I could hypothetically decide your life has "worth" insofar as it falls into the framework of what I believe to be true, but that would have no bearing on you and what you believe to be true (unless you decide it does). With that in mind, we'll pose that "having had something "="worth". Now we could say that to live in a constant state of "worth" would be to negate the very existence of the concept of "worth", in terms of differentiation. So, to express that one "has had something" as being = to "worth", the hope to have experienced "worth" is defined by the periods of experiencing the antithesis of "worth" on either side of "having had it". So it could be said that if "having had" something = "worth", that experiencing a brief period of experiencing what you define as "worth" amid the black sea of Cosmic Indifference is better than the alternative.

/r/AskReddit Thread