What's the worst thing a friend has ever done to you?

This will probably get buried in the comments, but whatever, it's been on my mind for months. I met her at a hockey camp and we were basically made for each other. We had almost all of the same interests and all that good stuff. We exchanged phone numbers half way through the week and would text and call each other for hours. At the end of the week, she gave me a tight hug and told me that she'd miss all of the fun we had at camp together. We parted ways and she went back to her home thousands of miles from mine. We maintained texting and calling for hours on end. After a few weeks, she asked me if she could be honest with me, and of course I told her yes. She told me all about her family issues and her own issues as well. Her mom physically beats her, says she's the ugliest thing the world has ever known, and that she should wear tons of makeup to mask it. But her dad was great. He lived practically a half an hour away and she couldn't wait for the divorce to be finalized. She said I was the closest thing she had to a friend and that she thought that she loved me. I told her I'd always be there for her and wouldn't hurt her. I was wrong. By the end of summer, she wanted to move in with her dad so she could see me again. She had so much faith in me, appreciated me, and understood me. But of course, I had to piss all of that away. I went for the neighborhood bicycle because I "needed" a girl. I told the girl that had feelings for me that I had feelings for someone else even though I actually didn't. Everything went downhill and I cut ties with both girls. After a couple months of thinking, I called her while I was thousands of miles away. She told me that she thought she loved me, that she trusted me, and that I hurt her in the worst way possible and at the worst time. She said that she thought she loved me, but now she completely hates me. There's not a minute I don't think of her and how much a shitty friend I was to her. I still can't believe I put her through so much pain.

/r/AskReddit Thread