What's your experience with Sleep Paralysis hallucinations?

I used to get those regularly as a young kid and they were scary as fuck.

It's been at least 15 years or so, but I still vividly remember the sheer terror and the imagined pain I felt during those dreams.

Fade in

I'm laying under the covers

Feeling of dread washes over me

Hide head under the covers

Am totally safe

Accidentally poke a body part out from under the covers

Clammy hands grab me

Evil laughter

Covers ripped off

More evil laughter

A fucking red scaly demon with short horns is next to my bed

Try to run - can't

Demon starts stabbing me with claws

Is very painful

Try to scream - can't

Demon stabs me some more

So much pain

More of those lizards come out of my closet (which conveniently never shuts irl)

More claws penetrating my body

Break free

Run out of bed room door

Bedroom becomes a blackhole sucking me back in

Struggle to the stairs

Pull my body inch by inch down the stairs using my hands

Get sucked back in my room anyway

Try to scream for help - is a whimper so no one hears

More stabbing

Try to run - can't

Wake up drenched in sweat and heavy breathing with brain on 'full alert there is danger!!!' mode, and nerves firing.

Cry myself to sleep under the covers

Fade out

Never had those again when I started puberty, and never want to ever have them again.

/r/AskReddit Thread