what's your favorite fragrance

Do Son by Diptyque. Worth the price tag. Also Tom Ford Fleur de Portofino (unisex) smells like balmy Italian summers and sex. For another unisex scent, I know many will say Le Labo Santal 33 is overrated and everyone in NYC smells like it but truly it is a very unique and cool scent (or was before it became everyone’s go-to in the city). I also like Le Labo Thé Noir 29- leans more masculine and is very deep and smoky. Some other favorites: Tocca Gia (my husband’s favorite on me- very flirty), Gucci Guilty (the sexiest), Byredo Lil Fleur (a different sort of floral), and Chanel Coco Mademoiselle if you’re into a universally-loved sophisticated classic. I love fragrance and talking about fragrances. I even began making my own perfume oils. With just essential oils it’s difficult to make any feminine perfumes that don’t smell like generic florals, but I’ve made some pretty nice cologne oils.

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