What's your favourite cuts of meat, and why should we try it?

By the way I actually do love you’re input. I’m a chef and veganism is trendy now so I’m not trying to be condescending. Over text, especially when we’re disagreeing, it always gets to attacking but I like what you have to say. Anyways, my rebuttal, lol.

The rice industry is pretty fucked but mostly with people, and call me selfish but I’ll care about people more than animals. I grew up around a lot of animals and some of them are just dumb as shit. Like deer. Stupid creatures, I don’t respect them.

I agree, cows are great. But they are that way cause we made them that way. They used to be bulls, but we fucked up their evolution to make them cows. Now they’re just cows. And they’re sweet and all, but like, they wouldn’t last a day against foxes and coyotes and whatever else is out there.

Also I would 100% disagree with a lot of China’s view on food, considering that’s the reason we’re in this fucking pandemic. That’s never a good example on food. Choose any other Asian country and I’d agree with you. Hell, India is vegetarian as hell. That’s the country you want to go to, cause they do it right.

With the pens, it’s unfortunately the way it is. As I said, I’m a chef but I take my job seriously, and unfortunately you know things that suck. When you buy something at a store, you just cook it, whatever. I know what the animals go through, I’ve seen documentaries, and they’re bred to live a certain age. If you keep them alive, they’d just fucking die a bad death anyways.

Like, I agree that the treatment of animals has been bad, but they’re at the point where it’s just fucked up, and you can’t do much. I’d like to work on the environmental part of the whole industry, and rice included what I said before. The human fucking labour, it’s basically slavery what goes into a lot of rice. I’d love to make it better, but I’m just 1 in 7 billion.

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