What's your psycho ex story?

My ex [20M] and I [21F] ( this was 3 years ago, I'm 24 now and he is 23.) had a pregnancy and he left me about 6 weeks into it. My parents wanted to see us consider marriage and become fully stable and try to help. He got so overwhelmed he ditched me. I chose to not keep the child because my entire life would be changed and he refused to be a part of either of our lives. I tried several times to talk to him and come up with a compromise. Finally after trying for weeks, I called him and told him my decision. He acted like he didn't give a shit anyways. 8 months we didn't talk and he ran off and dated some 18 year old girl that I knew because my guy friends said she was the town bicycle.

After those 8 month he came crawling back and manipulated me into taking him back. For 6 months he used me to live in my home, got free video games and even bought him an Xbox one and ps4, free food and everything. Well, 6 months into it he ditched me again over ONE argument we had because he lost his cool and yelled at me in the store and I walked out and sat in the car. We went home and I was upset. The next morning he packed his shit and left. That was 2014 and haven't heard from him since. I discovered he was a sociopathic narcissist and I was just one of his "sources" he played me and it took me way too long to recognize it. He has a pattern. Everytime he leaves he finds others and when shit hits the fan he unblocks me on social media and makes very subtle hints at him. I just ignore him. I had finally moved on with my life and became much happier and healthier. There's a lot of small details to this story but I'm keeping it shorter. Basically, the kid was a psychopath and had no remorse for his actions. I couldn't imagine having that child with him. The damage he would have caused on both of us would have been sickening.

Oh and one more thing, he loves to run around telling lies about our relationship. Make up events that never even happened. My favorite is him claiming to be the victim and me never talking to him and "getting an abortion behind his back". I called him and begged him to work this out every single day. He gave up and ran and didn't care about what happened to me. It's funny how he takes our story and turns it into a whole new matter. Narcissistic assholes can't ever be wrong nor can they tell the truth.

/r/AskReddit Thread