What's your saddest birthday story?

Late to the party (haha) but long story short, birthdays are important to me because after a really bad illness and kidney failure, I wasn't supposed to have any more of those.

Last year was the year I had my first boyfriend and when they started calling for plans, I stupidly told all my friends that I couldn't hang out with them that day because I'd made plans with him and he probably had something cool thought out.

Anyway, after I'd spent the whole day waiting and picturing what we'd do, he stood me up at 9:30pm saying that he'd been late from a business trip and that on the way home he'd gotten a revelation from a poor kid on the street that we were too priviledged to celebrate while there were kids like him out there (this guy never truly thought like that before or since), and so he was staying home to finish his class assignments.

Spent my 22nd birthday believing he was joking and had a surprise planned out, and then crying in my room when it turned out he really didn't. A couple weeks ago he broke up with me and I'm still a little bitter that he never celebrated any of my birthdays, and still kinda wish he would.

Buuut my birthday party is going to be amazing next week!

/r/AskReddit Thread