When did it hit you that you would one day die?

When I almost died and then ended up spending several months in hospital, only to be told that I could die. Plot twist: I did not die. This all occurred shortly after a very close family member had unexpectedly died... Someone I grew up with and saw at least once or twice a week. Someone who I felt responsible for at times. It's been several years since, and I'm still working through what I'm told is a firm of "survivor's guilt". It all becomes quite apparent that we are not going to be around forever. There are people in your life that you just expect to always be there, and people who expect you to always be there. And then one day, they're not, and you won't be. After that, it, I've been losing friends and family members every year. It doesn't make me any less upset when they pass on, but I have just accepted that death is inevitable.

/r/AskReddit Thread