So when did literal Nazism become mainstream online?

For those of us "oldfags" who used 4chan long before it became right wing (hell the old anthem for 4chan around 2005/6 was the Soviet anthem), The "Alt-Right" isn't that hard to understand because we were there for the birth of it.

For the most part, the alt-right came about because you had angry liberal white males be fucking retards who had a cry when cultural critics started critiquing "geek" culture for being misogynistic and racist. Instead of engaging in any level of introspection and going "yeah okay, this shit is pretty sexist/racist, we should change" they started trying to "logic" their way out of it, because "We are so much smarter than fucking Normies reeeeeeeeee" this is where the actual white nationalist shit came in. How can you be "racist" when it's scientific that blacks are subhuman? How can you be "sexist" when it's scientific that women are subservient to men? Anybody who denies these things is just an anti-intellectual authoritarian SJW who wants to put down white men! That's the only explanation, it couldn't be I have no reading comprehension or critical thinking ability and I'm not actually a genius! If I wasn't a genius why were all my peers and girls intimidated by my intellectual superiority in school? Thats why I didn't get laid and people didn't like me, they were intimidated!

This is the mindset of pretty much the 95% of the Alt-Right.

The rest are actual Nazis and Reactionary vanguardists largely from Stormfront, Briebart, the MRA movement who saw that these idiots were easy to manipulate and thus sought to recruit them to their cause. Stormfront massively astroturfed 4chan around 2010-2011, which turned the butthurt "muh feminists critiquing my vidya games I'm not racist it's just science!" idiots into actual Nazis. You can actually read the logs of early Gamergate IRC where the people manipulating 4chan even admit they don't give a shit about video games and it's all just to create an army to attack women and the left.

I remember on /pol/, when it was blatantly anti-religion, there was one Tripfag called Deus Vult who was like the ONLY christian on 4chan and literally everyone despised him. Now? "CHRISTIANITY IS THE LIGHT FORWARD, IT IS THE MARK OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION!" thanks to the Stomfront astroturfing.

This is why the alt-right is just an incoherent mess. It isn't really a solidified political ideology to these people, it's an excuse for them to not face up to the reality they are fucking unlikable shitheads and the reason girls don't want to fuck them is not because they are so intellectually superior, it's because they are fucking wankers with terrible personalities.

Also I would say for many, many now, they just don't want to admit they were wrong and the "FEMINAZIS" actually had a point.

/r/Negareddit Thread