Sometimes I wish I never discovered Reddit...

I'm not denying how toxic this site and large parts of the rest of the internet can be, but I disagree that this is the best place to discuss your hobbies and interests.

You're not going to get the admins on any site to enforce the rules fairly because they're usually as backwards as the worst of their users (see @jack spewing Sam Harris' race realism bullshit to his 4M followers on the platform he supposedly regulates). Even if it were possible, making them pretend to have common decency wouldn't instantly change the overall tone of the site.

This isn't exactly a community of the best and brightest. Even the opinions that aren't coming from a place of selfishness or hate are usually shallow and ill-informed. This is partially a symptom of the karma system (puns and tired pop culture references taking priority over unique or controversial opinions) and partially due to the demographics of the site. Even on technical subjects, you're likely to find better information elsewhere. Unless your hobbies are limited to vaping and Rick and Morty memes, I think you can find better places to connect with people who share them.

Ideally, that would happen in the real world, but even if you're limited to the internet by geography or disposition, you can do better than reddit if you're looking for a sense of community. If you treat it as a glorified RSS feed and look for other places to spend your energy engaging with people, you'll probably avoid a lot of unnecessary frustration.

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