When did you realize you stopped loving him?

Edit: Okay this is rant.

Backstory: I met this guy on OKC last year in (February 22). We talked for a couple weeks before we decided to meet for dinner. He was a very kind, polite person. I was 20 at the time and he was 26. I've never dated someone older than me, but since our ages was close, I didn't mind. We ended up hitting off pretty well. After the "honeymoon faze" died down, we sat down and talked about what we expected from the relationship. I didn't want there to be any misunderstandings and I wanted to be forthcoming. We talked, stated our expectations, and that was that.

Fast forward after things got serious: We rented an apartment together. I started noticing a few things. Edit: I'll just list it.

  1. He doesn't handle any type of pressure/issue well. He'll throw tantrums (yes, tantrums) and it causes me a lot of stress and bewilderment. I'm a very straight forward person and I don't like problems. If I have an issue, then I address it and move on. He likes to linger on problems, complain, throw tantrums and not resolve any issues that he encounters. (more on this later)

  2. He doesn't take care of things. I was told a saying that "no one will ever take care of your things as well as you". A few times I have let him borrow my expensive DSLR Canon camera for work. I've asked him to not put anything in the camera bag (because it's a camera bag and not a back pack) and twice he's put his water canister in it, which leaked all over my camera and equipment, and scratched a lens because he forgot to put the cover back on. He brushed it under the rug as an "accident".

  3. I've caught him sexting with other people (friends and strangers he's met at bars). I've caught him, asked him to stop, and he did it again. He stated that we don't have enough sex and that's we he did it, twice.

  4. I've caught him attempting to hook up with people (like craigslist and a4a). But I don't have any proof of him going threw with it. He denies actually committing a hook up, but I have my suspicions...because he "has feelings for me and could never do that to me".

  5. He doesn't like his job, complains a lot that he doesn't make enough, but refuses to do anything about it. I've helped him with his resume (well I made it for him, he didn't have one) and have helped him submit his resume to different possible jobs. I have held his hand through this entire process. Remember he's 26.

  6. He doesn't have a car and relies on the bus. At first he stated to me that it's okay and he doesn't mind and cars are a pain anyway. Cars are my hobby and I own two expensive cars. At first I was going to offer to let him drive one since we both work a bit far from where we live. However after I've seen how he treats my things (like my expensive DSLR camera), I'm worried that he's going to scrape, hit, or damage my car (not due to malicious intent, but negligence).

  7. He's a child. He's a child in the worse sense. He's inability to handle most aspects of his life like an adult is unnerving and upsetting to the point of disgust. I'm not asking or expecting him to be serious 100% of the time, but I feel like I'm dating an immature child.

  8. He's compared me to "model" "cookie cutter" relationships that he sees on Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr. I absolutely hate this.

  9. He loves clubs and bars. I'm fine with this. I don't mind hitting the bar every now and then. However, because I don't love clubs and bars and I don't like crowds, he brands me as "boring" and "introverted" as a "joke".

  10. He makes me out to his friends as me being a "boring" boyfriend that "doesn't like to try new things" (which is a blatant lie) and that I won't buy him food (he's vegan, it's expensive, and I do buy him food, but not a lot because budget) because he's poor (no).

All of these points I have been upfront with him on. He either brushes it off and doesn't understand the severity of how this affects us. Valentines, our anniversary, and his birthday is coming up. I don't want any part of it.

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