when you don't ruwatch the seasons chronologically and then you realise you ruwatched everyone

Ill give explaining it shot!


So you got 10 season of drag race now. 1-8 and AS1 and AS2.


Its off season and you've got some free time, so you rewatch season 3 cause it was your favorite.


You're a HUGE Yara and Manila fan so you watch AS1 next. After suffering through it you have a new found appreciation for Shannel and Chad; so now you watch season 4 again and afterward watch Season 1.


You've finished those and want something fresh. Its been a while since season 7 and 8 aired and you're a huge Kandy Ho/CLFOFPRBNLIATY fan so you rewatch them.


After all the AS2 drama you want to see Alaska and Tati; so you rewatch Season 5 and then 2(And of course you've GOT to be watching the corresponding untucked). Its been about a few weeks since the last time you watched every season and you realize this show is the best and you never want it to end.


You watch season 6 next and remember why you love Adore, Biance, Courtney, and the rest of the cast so much. During the show you happen to notice April Carrior wearing that Kandy Ho shirt. You love Kandy Ho; so you decide to watch season 7 next.


BUT WAIT; you already watched season 7. But its no big deal. Its been a while since you watched season 3; so you'll just rewatch that season again. BUT that is the season you started with.


You start to wonder which season you forgot and realize that you watched them all non stop for 2 weeks. So you start to just rewatch moments and runways from the show you like; but it all seems too familiar.


Eventually you settle and rewatch the Riggory, Buffoonery, and straight up Tom Foolery we all love that is AS2(Even though it just aired). You then realize that you either need to slow down or Ru needs to speed up. You question you life choices and why you have so much time to watch Drag Race 24/7. You come to peace with the fact that you may have a problem. You put down you Phone/Computer/Remote and go out for a change! Its a new life and a new you!


4 days pass and you see a clip from Snatch Game: "I don't give a rats ass! Cause this game is boring the shit out of me. I'm a fucking Oscar winner!". You think, "Man, its been a while since I've seen season 4!


And the cycle continues.

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