When is the most inappropriate time you have laughed?

Junior year in high school, I was in a science program with me and some other friends. Basically like a science summer camp for a couple weeks where we got seminars, did a project and all that.

Anyway, one of these seminars was talking about cancer and basically how new cancer drugs were in phase I and being tested and whatnot. But, the presentation speaker was super monotone so it wasn't surprising that at one point, basically the whole audience was a little zoned out.

A slide in the presentation came up which talked about testing these new cancer drugs in mice and had a bunch of pictures of mice with tumors on them. One particular picture had a mouse where the tumor was in the upper chest.

At this point, kind of bored and not really thinking, I immediately launch into my best Chris Tucker from Friday impression, roll my head around as I turn to my friend next to me, and go "DAAAAMNNN that mouse got some BIG ASS titties"

Not a moment passed before he was doubled over in his chair, trying desperately (as was I) to stop laughing. We tried to stay as quiet as possible and contain our laughter because the presenter was still speaking (luckily it was a pretty sizeable room so he didn't hear us) but we were clearly not succeeding. Everyone in the vicinity could see me and him shaking in our chairs, letting out laughs disguised as coughs every now and then. People's heads were turning, our group leader was sitting a couple rows in front shaking his head....

It was a couple of minutes before we fully recovered and were able to be normal people again. And the presentation continued. Suddenly, my friend and I hear a stifled giggle behind us and turn to find where it came from. What we see is our other friend just behind us, face covered by his shirt, giggling his ass off and shaking just like we were before. It doesn't take long before me and my friend realize EXACTLY what he is laughing about (I guess my voice carried enough for him to hear it too) and the whole process starts again.

Not quite sure how we all managed to make it through that presentation...

/r/AskReddit Thread