When you respect faith, people think faith is worthy of respect... but faith is NOT worthy of respect... everyone KNOWS this is true when it comes to other faiths (FLDS, Islam, Scientology, etc.)

Relevant quote from article:

Be that as it may, Zakaria’s [Oaks'] request that Maher [supporters of gay marriage] “respect” the values of Islam [bigots who believe homosexuality is a sin] deserves close scrutiny. It amounts to nothing but a veiled exhortation that he censure himself. When the religious (or their apologists) start calling for “respect” for their faith, they really aim to curtail free speech and shut the vocally godless up.

It should go without saying that in the constitutionally secular United States, neither Maher nor anyone else should feel obliged to show deference to Islam — or any other faith. The First Amendment inseparably links the right to free speech with the right to practice the religion of one’s choosing, or not to practice any religion at all. Since faith has historically caused so much strife and led to so much repression, unfettered discourse about it is precisely what must be allowed, no matter what people feel, if they are to be free. Put another way, in a truly civil society the right to free expression trumps the desire of religious folks not to have their feelings hurt. The “offense” argument is, therefore, no argument at all; it is tantamount to a selfish, adolescent insistence on conformity, nothing more. The “offended” just have to grin and bear it. We left high school long ago. It’s time to grow up.

It should be obvious to the observant that demands that Maher [and supporters of gay marriage] respect faith, whether issued from [LDS leaders,] Muslims or the Catholic League’s president, Bill Donohue, all stem from a single, flagrant insecurity – that once people begin mocking religion, begin meeting its gaga assertions and goofy proclamations with guffaws instead of genuflection, with ridicule instead of reverence, then religion stands naked, puny and shriveled before its peering “flock,” the members of which will soon start wondering, “maybe my whole life as a Muslim or Catholic (or whatever) is built on a lie?

/r/exmormon Thread Link - salon.com