[Spoilers] NA Summer Split Promotions 2015 | Live Update & Discussion Thread

Scrolling through the comments, seeing a ton of: "MAN I HOPE DIG/WFX GET RELEGATED THEY'RE TRASH, ETC, ETC. HURR DURR."

You are aware, this isn't the NBA, NFL, MLB, football clubs?

If LeBron James doesn't get his contract renewed by the Miami Heat, he gets to go to his mansion with hundreds of millions in his bank account and wait for his agent to tell him some other team wants to give him tens of millions of dollars (in this case the Cavaliers).

If Winterfox gets relegated or Dig or any other team, the players essentially become unemployed and possibly homeless. I mean, Scarra got let go from CLG and he immediately took to Twitter and asked if anybody could help him out with housing situations.

Losing is stressful enough, knowing you scrimmed for hours and played hours of solo queue only to lose again and again and again is fucking stressful. Think of you, a regular player who plays for fun or whatever. Losing solo queue games can be fucking stressful and you essentially play for nothing but to play. If you lose or win, it doesn't actually affect you besides an intrinsic number. For them winning or losing is the difference between an entire different life.

Try to show some intelligence, maturity, class, humanity, whatever else adjective - just don't be a piece of shit and say, "I HOPE TEAM X GETS RELEGATED FUCK THEM!" You are essentially saying you hope five human beings lose their jobs, homes, financial security and enter a world of turmoil, stress, fear and distress.

What do players do? Go back home? Retire? End their careers unceremoniously? Do some get popular and stream? No probably not. Just think before you speak. This is a young industry, not everybody is a top talent player who will get cut by a team and get picked up immediately.

When Coast got relegated, people were just waiting to see what team picked up Shiphtur or Zion, not everybody gets that opportunity.

So once again, think before you speak, this is a young industry and all these players are like you and I. They're not unrelatable, multi-millionaire athletes. I can't really feel bad if my beloved Kobe Bryant gets his contract restructured or cut by the Lakers, since he will continue a life I couldn't even dream of...

But these guys don't have that luxury. Just think twice before you say something potentially shitty. Every single relegation is bittersweet in my opinion and always reminds me of the harsh reality of eSports.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread