When to tell her that I love her (LTR) ?

Well I don't want to be needlessly harsh, but I'm not one for dancing around this shit or pretending... It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. Even if things are great with them right now, as you grow older your expenses grow as well, or rather, simply having the bare minimums isn't acceptable anymore. If he's having that attitude about work, where he doesn't want to spend time away from his girl, it tells me that his employment probably won't last very long. I'm not sure how, at 23, he is paying the bills and for food without having had a job... I have no idea what kind of education he has, or whether he has a career lined up, but his attitude is very self destructive.

Dongpal if you're reading this, I'm not trying to be mean, or hurtful. You're young, you have your whole life ahead of you, literally all you have to do is decide that you want to make a change. I'm talking like, prior to meeting this girl, you were depressed, lonely, and sounded like you were in a bad place. You can't just use this girl as a bandaid for those wounds. I don't know you, or what you've gone through, but it's in your past. If you felt lonely, it's simply a matter of bettering yourself and you'll attract people. I firmly believe pretty much anyone can do that, It's just really easy to get stuck in the mindset that you seem to have, where you feel that everything is hopeless. I've known a few friends that have gone through it. I know it sounds like I'm simplifying what you're going through -- but you need to better yourself. You need to be lifting, working out, and somehow furthering your career -- For yourself! but if you're not quite there, and it can be hard to get there, but just think of it this way; she'll get bored. If you make her your whole life, your entire world, she'll recognize that, and it's called smothering.

Anyway man, I wish you the best of luck if you read this. But yeah man, you need to focus on yourself first and foremost, the more you better yourself, the more attracted to you she and other women will be, but again you should be doing it for yourself and not them.


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