When was your last “I gotta get the hell out of here” moment?

TL;DR : that one time I got shot!

My truck broke down, in the middle of a public street, in a somewhat bad part of town, about 1 or 2 AM.
It was in front of a house that has drug dealers in it. Not hardcore dealers, but not your friendly neighborhood weed dude either.
They apparently thought I was going to rob them. As I was trying to find a flashlight to try and fix the stupid electrical problem (recurring issue, on an old truck), they got on their roof and started yelling. They were about 75 feet away.
"Get the fuck out of here, or we're gonna shoot you."
I yelled back, "my truck broke down, I'm just trying to fix it."
"We don't care, get outta here or we're gonna shoot."
I didn't think they were actually going to start shooting, so I opened my trucks' door, and got out -- from about mid-thigh down was exposed, and my upper body was behind the driver's door, because I was trying to find the stupid wire shorting out under the dash.
I heard 'tink tink tink' and at first I thought they were throwing rocks. I felt something in my left thigh, like a burning pinching feeling. At that moment, for a couple seconds, I thought maybe I got hit with a BB. But then I noticed blood, on the outside of my thigh, and then the actual burning pain hit me. I had been shot with a real bullet.
I ran to the other side of the truck, using it as cover. I had a shotgun behind the seat of the truck (because I was going to sleep at a friend's house, and we were going to go practice shooting the next morning), and a few random birdshot shells in the glove compartment. I loaded up 2 or 3 as quickly as I could. This entire time, bullets were hitting my truck and the little 3 foot high wall behind me.
I literally 'laid down cover' for myself - I shot twice, in their general direction. I couldn't see any of them that well, (three of them) but I just aimed at the top of the house. I actually slightly damaged the top of the wall of their house, but since it was like a #8 load, it didn't do much.

They ducked down, and in that second, I took off running in the opposite direction. As I was getting up the little embankment wall, my body was partially turned to them, and I was struck in the chest with another bullet. With the adrenaline rush, my brain registered that I had been hit in the chest, and it hurt, but the 'flight or fight' survival mechanism was in full effect. So with no interruption, I got to the upper part of embankment, and sprinted about 100 yards, to the store across the street.
There, after a minute or two, my brain finally caught up. I couldn't breath. My entire chest and abdomen felt like a hot knife was slowly cutting me from within. I was barely conscious when an officer arrived, and ordered me to drop the shotgun that I still had a death grip on. I didn't even respond, and he took it from me. A few minutes after that, an ambulance arrived.
I don't remember anything until like two weeks later. I had been in a medically induced coma, and had to have 3 major surgeries.
The first bullet went through my left leg, narrowly missed my sack, and is currently lodged in the back of my right leg. The second bullet went through my lung, diaphragm, stomach, and actually nicked my pericardial sac (the sac containing my heart) and is currently lodged in my spine at T-12. I had to have lung surgery, diaphragm and stomach surgery, and heart surgery.

/r/AskReddit Thread