Where can I read more about historically important movies and why they're considered so ground-breaking?

I know this isn’t an answer to your question, but one of my favorite parts about watching old (especially foreign) important movies is figuring out exactly why they were so important. There’ve been many movies that at credit roll I felt confused about why this movie was so acclaimed or important and it’s not until the days or weeks that follow that it really sets in.

Whether it’s a Hitchcock situation where I’m numb to the innovative techniques simply because they were so effective that they’re now standard in every thriller, or a Bicycle Thieves situation where the significance of what was happening in Italy in 1948 was lost on me in my first viewing, or even a David Lynch kind of thing where in my youth I dismissed it as “weird” without really sitting down and considering why someone felt passionate enough about that weirdness to bring it to life - trying to figure out what makes a movie significant is one of my favorite parts.

/r/TrueFilm Thread