Which Political Party Benefits Asian-Americans Most?

Asians are going to continue to be disenfranchised and underrepresented in all walks of life until we can present some sort of cohesive front that makes the political parties sit up and take notice. With that said, I am a Democrat, and that is not necessarily because Democratic beliefs are personally beneficial, but because I believe that to side with the Republican party is to side on the wrong side of history (especially if you support the republican viewpoint on social issues.)

For example, it's ironic how Asian-Americans can speak at length about how Affirmative-action is terrible and unfair when many can't see that the entire system is unfair for those who are underprivileged or destitute. That disadvantage you and I felt for a brief albeit important part of our lives doesn't really compare to entire generations of families living in shitty situations due to the shitty way they were and continue to be treated to this day. If the republicans had their way with social security and other general wellness programs, the majority of these people, and their future offspring, would essentially live in abject poverty with very little opportunity better lives.

Honestly this would be a very long post and I didn't really want it to be. So I'm just going to leave it with this line: I'm a Democrat because at the heart of the matter although it might not be personally beneficial to me, it is beneficial to the greater good. I think we should all be afforded with inalienable rights (beyond those in the constitution) such as respect, and equality and I don't think that the Republican party stands for either of these ideals. Neither of the parties are perfect representations of my personal beliefs and politics is such a corrupt shit show in our country as is but I'm going to vote with my conscience.

/r/asianamerican Thread