In which reddit defends an irresponsible, drug-addicted single mom

Alright, you know what, I'm sorry for being so aggressive. I really am. I'm sure you're familiar with the feeling of wanting to fight fire with fire. I'm sure you have your own perspective, which I truly don't have a problem with, or intend to disrespect. I'm sure you've formed your perspective through both hardships and good times, as we all do, and our perspectives have us both here in this thread defending themselves, but what are we really fighting about? I'm sure you don't intend for people to suffer, that's not something people usually feel innately. Just please, if I can ask you to watch one thing about medical marijuana. This is something I truly have experience with, and I'm part of a community of generally good people that contribute to society positively. I've both experienced and seen what medical marijuana can do for people. I have no criminal background, I was above average in school (not at the top) and I'm sure we could both go on about the good things we've done but I'll spare you my story. These people have children, and to tear a child from his family because of a lack of evidence saying that cannabis is okay is heartbreaking. If the mother was shooting up I might agree with you but if you've ever used cannabis to any extent, you see how innocuous it really is. There's thousands of strains out there that all have different effects, and different people need different things, so I think it'd be great if all of our real medicine could come from a plant that grows very easily. If we can isolate chemical compounds from this plant to save lives I think we absolutely should. If it proves to not work, I'd love to know about that as soon as possible too, but there's a reason millions of people use it every day, and when we minimize a group to a subculture and call them "addicts" what are we doing other than segregating and damning them? Anyways, let me be the first to apologize; I am very sorry for being so rude to you. I hope people like you and I will be able to see eye to eye some day. How else are we going to make the planet a cooperative place?

/r/circlebroke Thread Parent