Which of these supplements shall I use and can you use them together?

I would like to run mk677 but I really don't want to shoot my ghrelin up like that. Although if you have been running gh peptides like that for a few months, you don't really need the peg-mgf. Peg Mgf is just a bit faster in building up satellite cells to my understanding. You can also run regular mgf during the igf1 lr3 cycle. But not the peg version. Peg makes the half life extremely long. Without it the half life is minutes or some shit and mgf and lr3 apparently "cancel" each other out. So mgf without being peg needs to be spot injected. Pretty much the same thing with igf des. Also mgf is also known is igf1ec.

I don't mess with sarms, tried rad once and regretted it so much. Granted I was ill-informed then.

Not sure I've never looked into follistatin or yk11 honestly but if you can find any relation between myostatin inhibition and smooth muscle it may be worth reading a bit.

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