White people have been banned from an ‘anti-racism’ event at a British university

The changes taking place in the western world tend to be very gynocentric, not because of "tumblr feminism", but because most feminists tend to agree with a lot of these identity politics. These "tumblr feminists" may be loud on the internet, but they aren't really the loudest or most concerning in the "real world".

Look, I think to suggest that feminists, even the "extremist" ones, are acting with any sort of malice is very disingenuous. Feminists, and really nearly all sjw's, generally have their hearts in the right place. From their perspective, they are are helping people. The problem is that they themselves tend to not be as aware of other people's problems as they like to think they are. Sociology is a lot more complex than we make it out to be, but it's relatively easy to get away with acting like a scholar on the subject when really your scope is rather narrow minded. It's a classic "Dunning–Kruger effect".

The problem with nearly all feminist (and arguably (third wave) feminism in general) is that they overwhelmingly tend to place a higher weight to their own experiences, their own fears, and their own ideals, and further, overwhelmingly (but not always) base these on opinions on feelings, rather than hard scientific data. This is not a one way street, other sjw groups, including the MRA all do this. When they say "things are not equal", they tend to look at the areas where they have injustices, not the areas where they have "privileges". It's why feminists can say "we don't get paid as much as men", and MRA's can then talk about the workplace death gap. Each side is a bit more focused on the negatives that most strongly apply to their group. This tendency is applies to the majority of the sjw group.

/r/nottheonion Thread Parent Link - blogs.spectator.co.uk