Midweek Mending - your weekly healing thread!

After you upload your logs, click on the "Compare" tab and compare yourself to a group with a similar ilevel, fight length, and group size.

Your H Kromog lasted 6:24. I compared it with one of mine that lasted 5:40 — 40 seconds less. Here's a table of spells cast and the number of times we managed to cast each. Remember that my fight was a full 40 seconds shorter.

Healing       You    Me
ReM            48    55
Uplift         28    34
RJW             7    14
Expel Harm      6    13
Life Cocoon     0     3
Env. Mists      0     5
Mana Tea        2     4

Utility       You    Me
Roll            0    18
Touch of Death  0     3
Dampen Harm     0     4
Fort. Brew      0     2
Mana Potion     0     1

Some pretty stark things in there. In a much shorter fight, I'm somehow able to cast significantly more of my base healing spells. Healing-wise, you overuse Soothing Mist and Surging Mist, but somehow never manage to cast Enveloping Mist. Soothing + 3 Surging + Enveloping is a common "omg the tank is dying" move.

But if you're overusing those spells to heal tanks, why no Life Cocoon?

Expel Harm is free Chi. Use it.

As for non-healing spells, things look even worse. Monks are incredibly mobile — take advantage of it! We can roll in and out of all sorts of damaging effects, which reduces our movement and increases our healing uptime. On Kromog, roll away from Rippling Smash and back into the stack of range. You might also use it to move quickly to the tanks if they're taking a lot of damage, but are out of range.

Touch of Death should be used at least once on every fight (on the boss), but many fights present multiple opportunities to use it. Even better, if you're in crane stance when you use it, it will heal nearby people via eminence. On Kromog, Touch of Death is up during each hand phase and you can pretty much break yourself out for free (or someone else if you get broken out).

You say you're going OOM, but never used a mana potion? Tsk tsk.

We have good damage mitigation but you never once use it.

/r/wow Thread Parent