WHMs, What do your hotbars look like, and what are your thoughts behind setting them up like this?


I manually target through my party list it's much quicker than shuffling through names. In order to do this effectively my mouse had to be free of any restrictions aside from crucial spells which is why i only need M4 + M5 and shift variables

As for healing and DPS

12345 and shift variables are for healing QERT and shift variables are for DPS

FCV are for utility spells that could not be categorized

SHIFT + TAB = Presence of Mind

EX : Esuna / Fluid Aqua / Virus And i put Cleric Stance - Shift + C So when i use E4E before swapping stances or out the gate dps i can just double tap the key-bind holding shift the second time.

Once you get the hang of it you'll be able to stay ahead of the encounter and maximize uptime and overall efficiency which can lead to better timing on casting. aka. Mental Spellspeed.

I had issues with tab-target MMOS as FFXIV was the first time I've actually attempted to get serious with one.

Live combat MMO's and FPS games alongside other WHM's on reddit were all i had to reference on.

I can tell you what i've learned so far is..

  1. Whm's are not very good reactive healers playing on NA DATA..

  2. I stopped following guides on how to play WHM because at the end of the day only you can decide what your goals are in game and how you want to reach them..

  3. Comfortability and Stability. If you can comfortably access 90% of your skills and move around on one hand "WITHOUT the slightest struggle." Managing targets and paying attention to the fight makes progressing ALOT easier...

I hope this helps more healers cut their strings.. I see alota healers struggling to learn fights and the main reason why is they aren't getting the chance to learn them because they don't have the ability to do so without falling behind on mechanics..

Staying 1 step ahead is the golden rule to being a decent WHM and having YOUR own method for dealing with each mechanic / attack that comes at you.

As lame or boring as it may seem to you... That's progression.. -.-


/r/ffxiv Thread