How does Texas CCMS verify paystubs?

An onlyfans? Yeah, def not doing that. I work in corporate. If I did that might as well just quit and give up my career. And my mother is severely disabled. She can’t watch my son. She won’t be able to get Medicare until next year. I’ve tried to get her Medicaid but they would only cover her if she was in a nursing home and took all of her disability payments. Her disability payments hardly cover all of her monthly expenses. She has to use most of it on her medical equipment, feeding tube/ wound care supplies, and at home nursing care because her insurance doesn’t cover it. I’m not going to take her out of her home and put her in a facility. Even if I did I would only be saving $386 a month. Which still would not cover day care. And I’m not stealing from anyone. I’ve worked since I was 16 years old. I got fired two weeks into my maternity leave and have not gotten unemployment because my previous employer said “I quit” because I didn’t “show up to work”. I had spoken to my boss about maternity leave multiple times. We agreed that I would get 6 weeks of unpaid leave. However, I never got that in writing. I had appealed the unemployment decision multiple times and had a hearing but I was not able to provide written documentation of our verbal agreement. A stupid mistake on my part. I had been with that company for 5 years. Never thought anything like that would happen. But I did learn alot. So if im “stealing” in your eyes. Just know im stealing from the asshats that worked at my old company. And don’t feel bad about it whatsoever. And most of the people in our government are stealing all of our money. So don’t take it out on me. Im a very little insignificant fish in an ocean filled of soul sucking monsters. -Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk

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