Gay marriage at risk in Texas? What are the odds it's overturned?

Only one side has had complete control of the government and done absolutely jack fucking shit when they did.

Only one side wants to meet fascism in the middle and concede to Republicans even though they didn't fucking have to....

The fact that at the end of the day your vote still counts should you choose to use it.

Fuck you. That's the biggest crock of shit and you know it.

Thanks to the electoral college my vote means Jack fucking shit. Less than jack shit.

There's plenty of other losers to insure Hilary gets Colorado's electoral votes, MY VOTE AND YOUR VOTE ARE WORTHLESS IN A 2 PARTY SYSTEM WITH AN ELECTORAL COLLEGE.

why do the Democrats never get ANYTHING done?

It's easy, why would they fulfill their promises? We are held hostage by them to vote for them, otherwise pieces of walking talking human shit like you say

"If u dunt vote for Hillary ur a nazi!!!!1!“

They know you'll vote for them again because the other side is insanity.

Democrats love Republicans, Republicans insure Democrats can be corrupt lying sacks of shit and you'll BEG them to stay in office.

Bad faith my ass.

/r/texas Thread Parent