Who was the biggest asshole you ever met?

TL;DR: The motherfucker is a cunt.

The guy who used to own the comic book store I shopped at.

He carried on a multi year relationship with his wife's buisness partner, keeping their sex toys in the shop on a high shelf labeled "Jon's box," - I'd seen it multiple times using the bathroom in the back of the store, had no idea what was in it. Fucker's son caught the two in the act after leaving something in the shop.

Deservedly, he lost the buisness in the divorce, though the story doesn't end there.

The wife ran the shop, buisness even picked up after the husband was forced out (folks sided with her, naturally). But the mall it was located in shut down, forcing her to move and lose all the space for gaming tournaments that they once enjoyed (seriously, the mall gave them everything they needed).

The buisness folded because of the move...and with the revelation that the husband had been hiding some longstanding debts - the lack of buisness because of the move made it impossible to make payments. The entire stock was auctioned off, everything from statues to the goddamn shelves themselves.

And the husband bought as much of it as he could.

Within two years, he had enough capital to open a new shop, a backlog of old comics, statues, toys, fucking shelves, and a location...that happened to be the same location the wife initially eyed for the store move.

Fucking cunt, right?

Hold on...

Years later, another shop had opened in the same town. The owner went missing for a few days - cellphone off, no contact with anyone. He was totally fine, dude just fucked off for a short time to clear his head. The husband called their shop, his competitors, not out of courtesy or concern for the owner, but to see if they had plans for closing...

Still not quite finished.

Now, the woman this man carried on with during his marraige was also married. While she is a huge piece of shit for cheating on her spouse and cheating with her buisness partner's husband, she and her husband made great strides to repair their relationship. I don't know where they are in their relationship now, but the last I saw her husband he seemed genuinely happy.

Asshole comic book shop owner didn't like this - he posted her nudes on a porn site. Videos, pictures, face and everything else fully visible...and her name.

/r/AskReddit Thread