who did you block last and does it hurt that you had to block them?

I post on this sub called r/whowouldwin which is a debate sub where people discuss which fictional characters and verses would theoretically win if they were to fight.

In the past I had posted a bit about this very obscure and very powerful hentai verse called Monster Girl Quest. One day out of the blue this guy sends me a DM saying he'd like to debate about Monster Girl Quest if I was cool with that. I courteously obliged though I did think it was a bit strange he wanted to do this in DMs instead of making a post about it.

He said he thought the Doomslayer from Doom Eternal could solo the entire Monster Girl Quest verse.

To put things in perspective how absurd that is, there's a god in MGQ called the Eye. With a single thought the Eye can erase an entire multiverse and all of its timelines from existence. The Eye is currently the 7th most powerful god in MGQ. And aside from just raw strength these characters have some crazy abilities like the ability to bring themselves back from the dead with no limit or the power to manipulate fate and the very laws of physics.

We went back and forth debating for awhile, but my argument was basically that I don't understand how anyone whose primary method of attack is firearms and punching things could ever stand against multiple gods that don't even need their bodies to exist.

Eventually we both started to get progressively more snarky. Not my most mature moment I admit. Eventually this guy blew up on me and then started stalking my posts replying to other people spreading lies about me.

Yeah I ended up blocking that guy.

/r/AskReddit Thread