Who here actually uses Newsstand?

Also, Sword and Sworcery, TellTale, Little Inferno, Xcom, and more are on Android

Almost ALL those games came out on iOS first, you fuckwit. I know it's hard for you to grasp, but that's kinda the whole point: You have to wait for months every time a hot new game or app comes out.

I haven't even mentioned AAA+ exclusives like Vainglory and Fates Forever.

When even a company as big as Blizzard releases one of the hottest mobile games ever almost a year later on Android, it speaks volumes about how shitty your ecosystem is.

GarageBand isn't a game either.

No shit, it's an app you asswipe. Like the tons of other productivity and creativity apps that are iOS only.

Plus all the emulators we have.

iOS does too, but we don't go around bragging about piracy unlike you grubby little thieves. It's hilarious how you ran to count ROMs for unrelated platforms to make up for the lack of exclusives, though.

The Shield products alone run circles around iPhone.

And you STILL don't have graphics that come close to this.

Face it buddy. The vast majority of people in the world only get Android because they're cheap as shit. They don't care which phone it is or even which OS they're on, which is why less than 2% are on your latest operating system, even half a year after its release.

That embarrassing adoption rate combined with the shameless piracy which you're so proud of, not to mention the fragmentation and shitty APIs, is why even the biggest developers dislike working on that toxic hellstew of a platform.

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