who’s that person that you wonder if they still think about you? what’s your story with them?

Kate. I've thought about you a lot over the years. You often changed your first name around a lot to things like Katherine or Katie, but you'll always be Kate to me. I feel like you really knew and cared for me, and I did for you too. We connected very deeply through writing and talking. Unfortunately, I was not equipped to handle a lot of the heavy things you were going through at the time with your family. I wanted to be the shoulder for you to lean on, but I let religious zealotry come between what was and could have continued to be a great friendship (because you can't only be friends with people of the opposite sex) when I started dating another woman.

I'm sorry that I didn't know how to better set or respect boundaries. I'm sorry that I pushed for a physical relationship with you a few times when I was single, and I'm glad you set boundaries and stopped me. Even though I'm sure you were battling something like depression or stress-related anxiety while holding down a job, paying your way through school with loans, and dealing with family issues back home; you were still way better at communicating, empathizing, and adulting than me.

For the slim possibility that you might somehow see this, I hope that you are well and that we could just talk again sometime. Our relationship dynamic wasn't all that healthy at the time, but if you're willing to give me a chance to be acquaintances again to see if there is still a friendship there worth salvaging, I'd like to catch up on life.

/r/AskReddit Thread