Who is the scariest person you've ever met?

Didn't met him in person, but actually it was here on Reddit. I have frequented subs like /r/amiugly or /r/depression because I have a history of feeling ugly and depressed, and if I see somebody making the same 'errors' I made, I try to give them a bit of advice here and there.

About a year ago there was this one guy on AmIUgly, and as so often, he wasn't ugly-- at all, in this case. But his expression and body language was, I thought, really depressed. He was a virgin and wondered why he didn't attract any women. He added a link to his dating profile, and asked for advice. I told him he was not ugly at all, but that the vibe I got from him, also on the profile, wasn't good. He asked me explain what I meant.

His dating profile wasn't creepy, or weird, really. The first paragraph read like your normal dating profile, but the more I read, the more it was 'off'. There was an edge of calculation and obsessiveness about the whole profile that actually wás creepy-- subtly, but it was there. The loneliness and despair, although not obvious, was palpable.

So I gave him feedback on it-- as nuanced as I could-- and tried some amateur psychology, again, as nuanced as I could, trying to guess a bit what he was struggling with in life.

I never got a response back, he never posted again.

That didn't sit well with me. Because I realized later, this might be the kind of guy that was so caught up in his insecurities and low self esteem, that my forwardness and trying to analyze him could feel like a serious violation to him. And that he was the kind of guy who might develop into the kind of dude to take out 15 people in a cinema.

It might all be in my head, but I tend to be able to read people very well, even when I've just met them, so it didn't sit well with me. I hope he got help. And if he does something drastic, I hope it's to himself, not to other people.

/r/AskReddit Thread