Who thinks the NXT crowd chants a bit too much?

I've been a large part of the NXT crowd for a while now (at this latest show, you'll see me trolling Greg in the Pre-Show behind his left shoulder), and I've been responsible for some of the chants, and I've taken part in other chants - some of which, retrospectively, I thought were a little silly, or stupid. There are a handful of clever fans who will have the opportunity to get a good chant off from time to time, but since around the time of the Neville/Zayn feud, the self-awareness of the crowd has matured, and many of the younger fans, or less clever fans who share the same enthusiasm as others still enjoy being a part of the exciting atmosphere that has culminated in the last however-long-it's-been. I have now taken more of a back seat to the creative side of chanting, but I can still get one or two off per outing, if I'm lucky, while the other chants do tend to drone a bit.

Nevertheless, being there is naturally a different experience than viewing it, and as someone who is enthusiastic about wrestling, and someone who has met several of the wrestlers in person on many occasions, it's REALLY difficult not to join in on a chant, or cheer for a wrestler who's a heel when you've met the person outside of the ring - we all meet the wrestlers after the show. This is part of why there is such a large volume of chants, a massive divide in the audience, and why there are conflicting chants in nearly every match; the fans are passionate about their favorites, and they will cheer for them and defend them, and try to get their favorites more over than the opponent they're facing. These chants may seem like they're coming from a crowd that's trying to get themselves over, but they're actually coming from an unbridled enthusiasm. This crowd LOVES WRESTLING - PRO FUCKING WRESTLING, and I'll cheer with them, even if the chant is simple, overused, or just plain dumb.

As a viewer, you may find it annoying, but that's probably because you're uptight, or because you've never been to a show, or you just have nothing better to do with your time than complain about something like a crowd cheering too much. LOLZ.

Just wait until the next one. I've got chantz fo ya, boo. ;)

/r/SquaredCircle Thread